Yoga Workshops & Museum Meditations in Paris
Discover art through the prism of yoga and mindfulness meditation.
As both an art historian and a yoga teacher, I have the pleasure of designing and leading unique workshops for various museums. These workshops offer a novel and enriching way to explore art by combining the power of contemplation with the benefits of yoga and meditation.
I began practicing yoga in 2008 while studying at the École du Louvre. Later, when I worked in higher education, I realized that the intellectual approach to art, while necessary and exciting, didn’t fully capture the joy I felt when looking at a piece of artwork.
In 2017, I trained in mindfulness meditation (M.B.S.R) and yoga teaching. These disciplines allow for slowing down, fully connecting to the present moment, and cultivating awareness of one’s sensations, which align beautifully with observing artworks.
This led me to merge these two paths toward art by designing unique workshops that approach art through the senses, integrating yoga and/or meditation practices in direct contact with the artworks. Historical context, as well as stylistic and technical elements, are addressed only at the end.

You can find me at the following museums for yoga and wellness workshops:
Do you have a question? Contact me
They trust me :
They talk about our workshops:
- Le monde du 13 septembre 2023 (click here)
- Communiqué de presse projet “Bulle d’Art” (Click here)
- Reportage Grand Angle sur France Inter du 10 octobre 2023
- Journal Soir 3 du 4 janvier 2024 sur France Télévision